Saturday, February 14, 2009


What is love?

Is it a girl on her wedding day?
Is it the first sound of the baby's heart beat?
A child saying mommy for the first time? The man in her life giving a flower just because? Someone bringing soup because you are sick. Getting a call out of the blue from a friend, just because they were thinking of you?
These are a mere glimpse, maybe not even that much, of what Christ did for us on the cross over 2000 years ago. His love is unconditional. He loved me before I could have loved Him. He knew how I was going to be as a human and yet still dies for me. There is no love on earth that can compare to this love. God the Father is the best Dad there can ever be. The love he has for us is so awesome. I can't even put into words what I think of this love. I have never felt or known in any way since I was put on earth over 41 years ago this love. Accept from God.

The love my husband has is pretty wonderful. He has loved me through allot of rough times and good times. It's the rough times that makes me think, wow! This guys still loves me even when I was the cause of the rough times.

I never thought that we were ever going to have children and after 10 years of marriage God lets a baby start to grow. It was 4 months later that God chose to take this baby boy. My husband and I where more in love with one another then when we first got married. It wasn't 5 months later that God chose to have another baby grow in my womb. 9 months later a 7 lb 15 oz bundle of joy came into our life. This changed us for the better. The love we felt for this little guy can't compare to the Love God has for us. 5 years later God had another baby grow and was born a bundle of joy. This time a bouncing baby girl. This love we have for her is still nothing compared to the Love that God has for us.

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About Me

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I am a CA native, who should have been a country girl.