Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Prayer Requests for January 1, 2009

Prayer Requests for
January 1, 2009

As violence between Hamas and Israel has recently escalated, pray for an end to the attacks, for a cease-fire and for innocent civilians to be protected. Pray also for President Bush, Secretary of State Rice, President Elect Obama and Secretary of State Designee Clinton as they work together to monitor the situation. Pray that food and medical supplies will reach those in need.

Pray for President Bush as on 1/7 he hosts a luncheon for President-elect Obama and living former presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Pray for the fulfillment of President Bush’s priority that there be a smooth transition to the next administration. Pray for God’s presence and blessing on this extraordinary gathering and for President Elect Obama as he meets with these men, that he may gain wisdom and help.

Pray for President and Mrs. Bush as they prepare to leave Washington and return to private life in Dallas, TX. Pray for this transition, giving thanks for their sacrifice and dedication; pray for friendships, opportunities, health and strength.

Pray for President Elect Obama and his family, continuing an extended vacation in Kailua, HI prior to returning to Chicago. Pray for each of them to meet God in an intimate and personal way, receiving strength to help them in the days and weeks to come. Pray that the Scriptures will guide the President Elect as he continues to work on his policies, appointments and procedures.

Pray for the success of the financial rescue of the troubled automobile industry, asking for speedy recovery and for help for those most impacted.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel has announced he will step down from his seat in the U.S. House of Representatives on 1/2. Pray for him as he serves President Elect Obama as his Chief of Staff, asking God to powerfully guide him with His wisdom and will. Emanuel’s seat will be filled by a special Illinois election to be scheduled by Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Pray for Governors Ritter Paterson and Pataki and others who will now appoint persons to fill congressional seats vacated by those who have been called to cabinet posts in the Obama administration. Pray for godly wisdom as they seek the best suited individuals for each post.

As more and more estranged couples remain together due to the financial strains of divorce, pray that this trend will work to strengthen marriage and heal hearts across our nation. Pray for those couples who remain together to rediscover love under God’s healing and guidance. Pray also for those who have been victims of abuse to have a safe place to escape harm.

In a tragic turn of events, a man dressed in a Santa suit walked in to a party in Covina, CA and shot nine persons on Christmas Day. In light of this, pray for those struggling with mental health issues to have the support, intervention and help they need, particularly during the holidays. Pray for those traumatized by layoffs, closures and cutbacks, asking God to inspire communities of faith to rise to support those in need.

Give thanks and praise to God as we prepare to close the door on 2008 and step into the promise and possibilities in 2009. Pray for a spirit of hope and expectancy to rise up in our nation that we may look to God for His great blessings in the New Year. Pray for those who need hope to be strengthened.

Pray for our troops as they look to the New Year, asking God to fortify each one as they serve. Pray for their safety and protection, for endurance as many are experiencing multiple deployments, and for grace for family members who sacrifice. Pray also for those who have lost loved ones to have God’s comfort during the holiday season.

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I am a CA native, who should have been a country girl.